Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dneero and Survey Networking

Welcome to my blogsite. Blogging for Financial Freedom.

One of the first earnings I got from blogging is joining a survey network. So far I have joined two survey network. One is dneero, its website address is www.dneero.com. Another one is My View, this one I have not really got into yet. I have yet to join one of their survey.
Joining is very easy and as well as earning. Just fill up the normal data sheet, confirm your request to join, and join in on their ongoing conversations or surveys. Answer some questions, put in a question you want to be answered. Post it on your blogsite.
You need to post it for a certain period of time. Revisit dneero and see if you generate answers or impressions. Impressions generate extra income. If you were able to meet the required days of posting. You get paid via Paypal.
Easy right? So go ahead and give it a try. Just google it or log on to www.dneero.com to join. Or If you like, answer the survey below or email me your address and I can invite you in....


1 comment:

Dannyboy said...

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